The June Edit – Our Favourite Books, Articles and Podcasts
Starting July with a bang!
I’ve got some interesting recommendations to share with you this month.
Our June edit is filled with a curated selection of books, articles, and podcasts that have kept us engaged and sparked some thought-provoking discussions.
Below you’ll find an interesting mix of topics. We know how important it is to stay relevant and in the know. From career tips to environmental issues to living mindfully, we’ll make sure that you get a little taster of issues that might not always be at the forefront of your mind.
I hope that they leave you with an open mind, or maybe just a great way to strike up a conversation with a colleague or friend.
Happy reading and listening!
Why Women Still Can’t Have It All
An Article / Anne-Marie Slaughter
Topics / Women in Leadership / Gender Equality
I came across this article accidentally and found it to be quite controversial. Written by Anne-Marie Slaughter, a highly successful international lawyer and foreign policy analyst in the US. Her opinion about Women ‘having it all’ is a little more controversial, however, I appreciate her honesty on the topic. She shares the personal struggles between professional demands and personal family life. Anne-Marie explores the ‘half truths’ that we as Women tell ourselves need in order to ‘have it all’ and that we should look to shift our energy on having more productive conversations that focus on solutions rather than the problems. Some of these half truths include: marrying the ‘right person’, timing your career/family right and everything is possible if you are ‘committed’ enough. An insightful read (rather long) but worth it.
HBR Women & Work: The Ups and Downs of Being a First-Time Manager
A Conversation / Amy Bernstein / Amy Gallo / Linda Hill
Topics / Women in Leadership / People Management
An insightful conversation between three women who have recently moved into management positions. They draw on their own experiences across various industries and share challenges, surprises and rewards. For those who are potentially stepping into their first people manager role or looking to fine-tune their skills, you will enjoy this episode and walk away with some comfort knowing that you are not alone.
The more conversations we can have like this the more better prepared and more confident we will become when faced with challenges in our careers.
The Little Book of Chakras
A Book / Elsie Wild
Topics / Body & Mind Connection / Mindfulness
I’ve been a little curious about the topic of chakra and found that this little pocket rocket of a book is a great starting point as it provides you with a brief introduction and overview of the concept.
For those who have never heard of the term Chakra’s before, it comes from the Sanskrit word ‘cakra’ which translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’ and refers to the energy systems within our bodies. Whilst there are over 100 chakra’s in total, this book provides a solid introduction to the main 7 chakras making it a great source of reference for any beginners looking to understand the basics.
A quite insightful introduction followed by further details on the mental/physical aspects, food/diet, yoga poses and meditations that align best with each of the energy systems.
Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention
Author / Johan Hari
Topics / Psychology
Everyone needs to read this book! I was captivated and fascinated by Johan’s passion for the topic of what it is like to live in the modern world today that I inhaled it in less than two days. It really made me question some of the ‘bad’ habits I’ve formed about getting stuck in the productivity trap. Always try to do more with the time that I have, but in the end, I end up doing 5 things at 60% rather than just focusing on one thing, completing it and then moving on to the next one.
We are all so guilty of this, haven’t we all been in virtual meeting whilst buying a pair of shoes, or paying your phone bill whilst in the queue at the supermarket? Is it all necessarily urgent?
Anyhow, he explores so many fascinating topics around why we humans are now finding it harder than ever to concentrate. You will find a lot of ‘aha’ moments throughout this book.
People Person
Author / Candice Carty-Williams
Topics / Fiction / Diversity / Relationships
I’ve been smashing the non-fiction books lately and sometimes forget the beauty in reading fiction novels. I personally loved reading Candice’s first book – Queenie, so I was excited to finally pick this one up. People Person is a story about 5 siblings who share the same dad (with different mothers) and how they respond to a crisis situation together. I loved getting to know each of the characters and the dynamics between each of them. Light-hearted, warm and with great humour – definitely one to take on your upcoming summer holiday.
Slo Mo: Finding Strength in Vulnerability
A Conversation / Mo Gawdat / Maryam Fattahi Salaam
Topics / Fiction / Diversity
I am such a fan of Mo Gawdat and all of his podcast episodes. This one in particular is a beautiful conversation with Maryam that explores the topic of finding strength in vulnerability. Maryam is based in the Middle East and is one of the most successful female entrepreneurs within the fitness industry in Dubai. I sense that the initial conversation was going to be more centred around how she built her business and overcame challenges along the way. Instead the conversation naturally moves into a much deeper topic that covers so much content around purpose, strength, gratitude and cultivating happiness. Really beautifully captured.
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