Achieve Your Best Year Yet: Mastering Goal Setting 101 with our Step-by-Step Guide
As January 1st approaches, many of us dive headfirst into the yearly ritual of setting ambitious goals, hoping this time will be different. Want to know the secret to mastering the art of goal setting? Let’s break the cycle and take a more intentional approach to the new year.
In this article I’ll be sharing with you five simple (yet highly effective) steps that consistently helped me start the new year on the right foot, knowing that I’ll be showing up as my best self. This ritual has made goal-setting less overwhelming and more effective for me, and I’m excited to share it with you.
Let’s make 2024 our most intentional and successful year together.
Make a list of all your achievements, successes and proudest moments over the last 12 months
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to overlook the victories we’ve achieved along the way. Embracing a reflective spirit, I started cataloguing my accomplishments throughout the year. It’s not just a year-end ritual; it’s a practice that keeps me grounded and grateful.
Once you’re done making your list, re-read it, and be proud of all the things you’ve achieved. You deserve to celebrate and share these wins with those around you.
Identify your priorities for the new year
Success isn’t about doing everything; it’s about doing the right things. To find that balance, I turn to the “Wheel of Life.” This insightful tool helps me pinpoint key areas that demand attention – be it work, fitness, or finances. The result? A clear roadmap for a well-rounded and fulfilling year.
Give it a try and see how it can help you too!
Need a template –> download one here
Create a vivid vision
Imagine this: visualisation isn’t just about thinking; it’s a powerful tool that acts as your daily reminder of the things that are truly important to you. It will be there every step of the way and keep you in check so that you can get even closer to achieving your goals.
Try this with me – create a vivid vision board filled with images, photographs, colours, places, or people that represent the achievements you strive for, or the person you want to become. Think of it as one big giant collage but with a purpose.
As you start to collect all your imagery ask yourself: This time next year, what will I be doing? Who will I be with? What will I have achieved?
You can do it digitally or keep it old-school with scissors and magazines. When I was younger, I used to create collages using magazine snippets. However, nowadays I prefer to make them digitally using either Powerpoint or Canva. Regardless of the method, I always ensure that I have a copy of the finished board above my desk so that I can see it every day as a gentle reminder as to why I’m doing what I’m doing.
These visuals motivate me to work towards my goals and help me stay focused on what truly matters. I believe that by envisioning my future self and summarising it in a single sentence, I am actively shaping my destiny and paving the way for a bright and fulfilling future.
Get super clear on your goals. Then, create a detailed plan on how to achieve them
“Vision Without Execution Is Just Hallucination” – Thomas Edison
Now that you have a clear vision of what your year ahead will look like, it’s important to convert your vision into a concrete action plan. Allocate a couple of hours creating a detailed plan outlining all the necessary steps to achieve your goals and get specific. Often it helps to use the SMART technique which ensures that each of your goals is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
For years I’ve been using a simple excel spreadsheet to keep on track however, I recently started using the online tool, Trello, and it has been an absolute game changer. As someone who typically prefers pen and paper, Trello’s integration with my calendar has made it easier for me to keep track of my goals, tasks, and deadlines which is perfect when creating actionable goals with the least path to resistance.
Schedule your entire year of monthly check in meetings for yourself ASAP
This is probably the most important part, as you now have in front of you a comprehensive (beautifully curated) vision board and action plan, you’ll need to make sure that you find ways to keep yourself on track. To do this, I suggest that you pre-block out a few hours at the end of each month to review your progress, note down your achievements from the previous month and make any adjustments needed along the way.
So, there you have it – my 5 steps to an even better 2024!
Do you already incorporate some of these things in your end-of-year ritual? If not, which parts do you find will be most resourceful for you and your best year yet?
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